Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Please pray for the people in Minot, ND. The river is rising from the rainfall in Canada. This is predicted to be worse than the 1969 flood. At least 4,000 homes are being evacuated. Needless to say it is very chaotic at this point. Our church parsonage is in the flood section. Pastor Dave has had a lot of help in getting some of his belongings out of the house. The problem is there is no place to store anything and no uhauls to be able to move things. We are so thankful for the church people of Minot that have been such a help to him in moving and storing his belongings.

Also, please pray for his physical needs. He had an MRI on his knee yesterday and we are waiting to hear the results.

If you would like to know more details on the flooding in Minot go to KXnewsminot. Thank you all for your prayers. GOD BLESS MINOT.

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